Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A New Translation

After going through the play testing phase, various errors and suggestions came up. As such, the errors and suggestions are as follows:

- "An endless race to nowhere" because of the ability to reconquer one's conquered planet
- "Going in circles" since, in order to conquer another planet, one may have to move in the opposite direction back to the starting point

- Hexagonal spaces instead of dashes
- Remove the ability to reconquer a conquered planet
- Allow players to hold onto their cards and play them at any convenient moment
- Ship vs Ship combat

To expand on the ship vs ship combat idea, Professor has come up with a rock, paper scissors mechanic with cards, except it has been refined to Mirror Shield, Shield Cracker, and Laser Shot (Mirror Shield>Laser Shot>Shield Cracker>Mirror Shield). When one player wins, that player conquers the planet and destroys the other player's ship. The defeated player then has to take a new ship and place it on any planet that they own. When one player loses all his/her ships, then the player loses the game.

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